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18 Jui 2021

Global Times (China)

China: Eight employees of Shiyan Dongfeng Zhongran City Gas Company arrested over deadly blast in Shiyan

"8 employees from gas company arrested after gas explosion in Central China city kills 25 and injures 138", 18 June 2021

Eight employees from a gas company in Shiyan, Central China's Hubei Province, were arrested by local police after a deadly gas explosion took the lives of 25 people and injured 138 others on Sunday morning. 

The explosion took place at round 6 am local time at Yanhu residential community on Sunday and destroyed a local market. 913 households close to the site were evacuated on Sunday afternoon. [...]

A preliminary investigation shows the explosion was caused by a gas pipeline owned by Shiyan Dongfeng Zhongran City Gas Company. The company's safety management system was not rigorous and workers in the company failed to shoulder their responsibilities to inspect the gas pipeline in accordance with rules. Besides, there were serious faults in the operation of equipment, according to a statement published by the city government on early Friday.

A total of eight people, including the company's general manager surnamed Huang, were arrested. Further investigation into the cause of the accident is taking place. 

Once the investigation is completed, relevant units and individuals will be held accountable in accordance with the law, the statement said. [...]
