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2 Mar 2021

China: Rights groups criticise Muji's efforts to ban Xinjiang cotton from supply chains

Image of a field of cotton

In February 2021 Radio Free Asia published an article in which human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch, criticized Japanese clothing and lifestyle brand Muji's efforts to remove Xinjiang cotton from its supply chain. Although the company announced that it will stop exporting cotton sourced in Xinjiang to the United States, the article says "it stopped short of saying it would stop using cotton from Xinjiang."

In February 2021, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Muji (Ryohin Keikaku) to respond to the points raised in the Radio Free Asia article. Ryohin Keikaku responded, " We are deeply concerned about the various reports and news coverages on forced labor and ethnic minority discrimination in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region." Its response (available in English and Japanese) is included below.

Réponses de l'entreprise

Ryohin Keikaku Co Ltd Voir la réponse
