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3 Jui 2011

Ann Woolner, Bloomberg

Chiquita Fails to Halt Suit Over Colombia Torture, Murder

Chiquita Brands International Inc. (CQB), owner of the namesake banana label, failed to halt U.S. lawsuits brought by thousands of Colombians who said they or their relatives were tortured or killed by militias the company paid. U.S. District Judge Kenneth Marra in West Palm Beach, Florida, today denied Chiquita’s motion to dismiss some of the claims brought under the Alien Tort Statute and the Torture Victim Protection Act...The...company was fined $25 million by the U.S. after pleading guilty in March 2007...for paying Colombian paramilitary militias $1.7 million from 1997 to 2004...“While the court allowed some claims to move forward, it is important to understand that at this stage of the proceedings, the court is required by law to treat plaintiffs’ outrageous and false allegations as if they were true,” Ed Loyd, a company spokesman, said...

Fait partie des chronologies suivantes

US court refuses to dismiss claims against Chiquita by families of Colombians killed by militias that Chiquita paid

Chiquita lawsuits (re financing paramilitaries in Colombia, filed in the USA by Colombian nationals)