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20 Nov 2013

Andrew Zajac, Blomberg Businessweek

Chiquita Loses Suit to Stop SEC [US Securities & Exchange Commission] Release of Colombia Records (1)

Chiquita Brands International Inc.’s bid to stop the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission from releasing documents on payments to a Colombian terrorist group was dismissed by a federal judge. U.S. District Judge Richard Leon in Washington rejected the company’s argument that the damage it would suffer from disclosure of the records should bar their release to a public interest group under the Freedom of Information Act…Chiquita…contended release of the records could compromise the fairness of trials in Florida, where families who claim relatives were kidnapped and murdered after the company made payments to the United Self Defense Forces of Colombia have filed lawsuits…

Fait partie des chronologies suivantes

Chiquita loses lawsuit against US Securites & Exchange Commission to block release of documents regarding payments made to Colombian paramilitary group

Chiquita lawsuits (re financing paramilitaries in Colombia, filed in the USA by Colombian nationals)