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1 Nov 2017

Tony’s Chocolonely, Arte Natuursteenbewerking, ASN Bank, Barry Callebaut, Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate, Fairphone, Heineken, Holland Biodiversity, Marcel Wanders Studio, Max Havelaar, Moooi, Moyee Coffee, Nestlé Nederland, Nova Media, Questionmark, Rabobank Nederland, Raptim Humanitarian Travel, Social Entreprise NL, Squarewise Transitions, The Dutch Weedburger, Verstegen Spices & Sauces, Woningwaard

Coalition of businesses issues joint letter in support of Dutch law introducing a duty of care on child labour

[Note: This is an unofficial translation of the Dutch letter published on 3 October 2017 which is available here. Background information on the Dutch bill available here.]

With this letter, we as a private sector jointly express our support for a legal framework for a duty of care on child labour. No matter how common child labour is, it is a system error. The problem is not being dealt with seriously enough and the current handling is not sufficient. Based on voluntary initiatives and self-regulation, more is needed to tackle the problem...  Legislation demands transparency and accelerates targeted activities of companies to seriously prevent child labour in their production chain. A legal framework provides clarity about the norms and rules to be followed and enables the tackling of child labour. Child labour robs children of their future. It's time we seriously address the issue. The Dutch government has the authority to impose a duty of care on all companies through legislation to prevent the supply of products created by child labour. All products and services on the Dutch market must comply with the 100% child labour free standard.
