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8 Jan 2015

Associated Press

Colombians Ask US Supreme Court to Reverse Chiquita Decision

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Attorneys for thousands of Colombians are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a decision tossing out their lawsuits against Chiquita Brands International over payments made to a right-wing paramilitary group. The lawyers said Wednesday a petition seeking review was filed with the high court. The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last year ruled against the estimated 4,000 Colombians, concluding the connection wasn't close enough between Chiquita and violence in Colombia's civil war. Chiquita previously pleaded guilty to U.S. criminal charges and paid a $25 million fine stemming from its payments to the AUC, the Spanish acronym for the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia. Still, Chiquita has insisted it was the victim of extortion and forced to pay the AUC. The lawsuits were filed in South Florida federal court.

Fait partie des chronologies suivantes

Colombians ask US Supreme Court to hear appeal in lawsuit against Chiquita alleging complicity in abuses by paramilitaries

Chiquita lawsuits (re financing paramilitaries in Colombia, filed in the USA by Colombian nationals)