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30 Jul 2019

Comments by Cerrejon

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…We believe that some significant inaccuracies or misunderstandings in that letter have distorted your conclusions on the diversion of the Arroyo Bruno…We recognize the importance of the Arroyo Bruno to our surrounding communities and the role it plays in La Guajira’s water system and as a tributary flowing in to the Rio Rancheria. The diversion project, in compliance with law, moved a 3.6 kilometers of the stream’s riverbed 700 meters to the north in order to preserve and protect the Arroyo Bruno from the expansion of our mining operation…The purpose of the Roundtable is to ensure the relevant technical, environmental and community impacts are properly considered in an impartial manner and that Cerrejón cannot unduly or disproportionally influence its conclusions. The Rountable is carrying out a full technical study to evaluate the environmental feasibility of the project and the uncertainties by the plaintiffs in the tutela…Cerrejón respects the rule of law, has complied with its obligations under and in the spirit of the Constitutional Court’s judgement; we have also participated in the Roundtable in an open and transparent manner…