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20 Sep 2018


Dakota Access pipeline developer defends racketeering claims

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The company that built the Dakota Access oil pipeline says environmental group Greenpeace should be held legally accountable for violating federal racketeering laws...Greenpeace recently asked to be dismissed from the case, after a federal judge dismissed the other two groups.  But the company argued this week that there was plentiful evidence of "malicious criminal conduct" by Greenpeace.  In court documents filed Tuesday, company attorneys allege that Greenpeace knowingly disseminated false information about the pipeline to obtain donations and incite unrest, including to company lenders and investors to hurt ETP financially.  The company also alleges the environmental group organized and funded a violent protest faction in violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act...Greenpeace argued in its dismissal request this month that ETP's claims were "generalized and implausible."...
