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22 Déc 2015

Middle East Monitor

Denmark’s largest pension fund blacklists firm over links to Israeli occupation

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Denmark’s largest commercial pension fund has blacklisted HeidelbergCement, over the German company’s links to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank. PFA Pension announced the exclusion on its website, stating that “PFA does not wish to contribute to any illegal activities in relation to the occupation of the West Bank.” According to the statement, “HeidelbergCement is involved in the extraction of natural resources in a way that is incompatible with PFA’s policy for responsible investments.” HeidelbergCement operates a quarry in the West Bank through its Israeli subsidiary...Troels Børrild, Senior Policy Advisor and CSR expert with ActionAid Denmark, said the decision to blacklist followed a period of “fruitless back-and-forth dialogue with the company [by PFA Pension].”: "Investing in companies that profit from the systematic human rights violations caused by the illegal Israeli settlements and the belligerent occupation is becoming toxic to investors. At times, the actions of such companies will be directly illegal under international law, and at least in breach of the corporate responsibility to respect human rights. Too many investors and companies still fail to live up to their own policies in the case of businesses who profit from the Israeli occupation."

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Danish PFA Pension excludes HeidelbergCement from its investment universe citing "violation of basic human rights" & "illegal activities" in occupied West Bank

Dänischer Fond PFA Pension schliesst HeidelbergCement aus Portfolio aus & zitiert "Verstoß gegen grundlegende Menschenrechte" & "illegale Aktivitäten" in der West Bank