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19 Jul 2022

Myanmar: Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textiles complaint committee finds C&A failed to uphold union rights in Myanmar; NGOs criticise lack of improvement for workers

In July 2022, the Complaints and Disputes Committee (CDC) of the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile published its final decision on a complaint filed against C&A in July 2020 by a labour rights organisation in Myanmar, SOMO and the Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC). The complaint alleged that C&A failed to protect freedom of association at a supplier in Yangon, Myanmar. In its ruling, the CDC found the complaint to be partly justified and that C&A should have involved the labour rights organisation as a legitimate stakeholder in the resolution of the problems.

However, the NGOs criticised the lack of improvement for the workers at the factory - no trade union was formed and the dismissed workers were not reinstated. They further raised serious concerns about the lengthy complaints procedure, especially given that the Agreement ended on 31 December 2021, leaving no authority to hold C&A to the judgement. In response to the final decision made by the CDC, C&A said the findings confirmed its view that the complaints made by the NGOs had no basis.
