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26 Nov 2015

New Kerala (India)

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry unveils CEOs pledge on climate responsibility ahead of Paris climate summit

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) today unveiled the CEOs Pledge on Climate Responsibility ahead of the upcoming UNFCCC COP 21 climate meet in Paris…The pledges, by 18 corporate leaders, are a major case in point to demonstrate India Inc.'s commitment to the climate cause…What is interesting is that business leaders have made their own pledges, showcasing their own way to approach towards tackling climate change…Indian corporates are not far behind in addressing the climate challenge, and…support from the international community can go a long way in scaling up these efforts…FICCI has garnered, within a short timeframe, climate commitments from corporate leaders operating in diverse sectors including retail; engineering, construction, manufacturing; financial institutions, stock exchanges; PSUs in oil and gas sector; renewable energy companies operating in solar, wind, and bioenergy; aviation; and hospitality…[Also refers to Axis Bank, HSBC, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Larsen and Toubro, Oil India Limited, State Bank of India, Walmart, Wockhardt.]