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18 Jui 2008

David Modersbach, National University of Rosario, Argentina

First Ever in Latin America: Mining Corporation Charged with “Crimes Against the Environment” in Catamarca, Argentina

...the Federal Chambers of Tucumán in Argentina brought criminal charges of environmental contamination against Julián Rooney, Vice-President of Bajo La Alumbrera, Argentina’s largest mining operation...the company will appeal the ruling...This is the first ruling in all of Latin America against a mining company for crimes against the environment...Alumbrera is joint-owned by three of the largest metals mining transnationals: Xstrata, Goldcorp and Yamana Gold. The ruling has sent shock waves through the mining industry...Not only is Alumbrera on trial for contamination, but also under scrutiny for tax evasion, corruption and contraband...[Citizens groups and biologist Juan González] discovered that Alumbrera was dumping millions of liters of toxic liquid wastes into DP2, a canal used by animals and farmers...Residents are bitterly fighting Yamana’s Agua Rica mine...