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Attaque contre un défenseur des droits de l'homme

5 Jul 2021

Freddy Alberto Navas López (Peasant Movement and Allies of Nicaragua)

Date de l'incident
5 Jul 2021
Exactitude de la date
Tout est correct
Freddy Alberto Navas López
Movimiento Campesino y Aliados de Nicaragua
Groupe de défense des droits de l'homme
Détention arbitraire
Cible: Individuel
Lieu de l'incident: Nicaragua
Autres acteurs


Freddy Alberto Navas López is a peasant leader, human rights defender and coordinator of the Movimiento Campesino y Aliados de Nicaragua (Peasant Movement and Allies of Nicaragua), which was originally founded in 2013, with the aim of stopping the Nicaragua Grand Inter-oceanic Canal project. The human rights defender’s work in the defence of the land and in favour of the rights of peasants has been prominent for the last eight years. From 2018 to date, Freddy Alberto Navas López has been involved in protests seeking the democratisation of Nicaragua. On 5 July 2021, Freddy Alberto Navas López, human rights defender and peasant leader, was arrested by members of the Nicaraguan National Police. At the time of the arrest, the human rights defender was at his home in the city of Managua. Others were also arrested on the same day, including peasant leader Pedro Joaquín Mena Amado.