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12 Nov 2014

Godwin Allotey Akweiteh, Citifmonline (Ghana)

Ghana: Petroleum Commission surprised by dismissal of MODEC workers

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'Petroleum Commission surprised by dismissal of FPSO workers', 12 Nov 2014: The Petroleum Commission of Ghana says it is surprised that MODEC [Mitsui Ocean Development and Engineering Company], one of the private companies working at Ghana’s Jubilee oil field had sacked it’s local workers, despite frantic efforts to settle their differences amicably. The Ghanaian workers laid down their tools on October 29, in protest against pay disparities between expatriates and locals...[M]anagement of MODEC...dismissed the Ghanaian workers despite having agreed on a roadmap to solve the crisis...Reports indicate that MODEC took the decision after the workers refused to sign a bond of good behavior...Francis Sallah, Deputy General Secretary for the General Transport Petroleum and Chemical Workers Union...said...“This...is unfair...These guys are not children...they...[are] graduates,”...He...called for the workers to be reinstated immediately before they will avail themselves for further negotiations...[T]he remaining 12 Ghanaian workers at MODEC have...withdrawn their services in solidarity with their colleagues who have been sacked...
