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Attaque contre un défenseur des droits de l'homme

19 Aoû 2015

Gloria Ushigua - Ashiñwaka

Date de l'incident
19 Aoû 2015
Exactitude de la date
Tout est correct
Gloria Ushigua
Peuples indigènes
Coups et violences
Cible: Individuel
Lieu de l'incident: Équateur
Andes Petroleum (joint venture CNPC & Sinopec) Équateur Pétrole, gaz et charbon
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) Chine Pétrole, gaz et charbon
China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) Chine Pétrole, gaz et charbon
Autres acteurs


Gloria Ushigua is Coordinator of the Sápara women's organisation Ashiñwaka, which defends Sápara people's ancestral land and environmental rights in the province of Pastaza. Since 2010, the human rights defender has been invested in the defence of her community in Llachama Cocha, primarily against private and State-owned companies seeking to exploit oil deposits in Sápara territory. On 19 August 2015, three policemen broke into Gloria Ushigua's house in the city of Puyo. They shocked the human rights defender with tasers and beat her badly. The police also used tear gas inside the house causing Gloria, and those present including children, to almost suffocate. The human rights defender's office and property, including her fax and desk computer, was destroyed in the raid.