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14 Mai 2020

Migrant Rights

Half a life time of toil, and all that's left is charity

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GPZ had gradually lapsed on its obligations over several months. For the first five months they stopped paying wages, they provided workers with food. Then they provided only a monthly BD20 food allowance... before abandoning the workers...

[Their] plight... is not unique. Non-payment of wages is a growing problem in Bahrain... 180 workers from Orlando Construction Company... have not been paid for several months, twenty workers from M&I company... have not been paid for seven months... 250 workers from Bahrain Motor Company who haven’t been paid for five months. 

All of these cases are pre-Covid19, but the fallout of the pandemic has aggravated their situation... There is a danger that these cases will fall through the cracks as governments scurry to help local businesses at the expense of migrants workers.The crisis has shattered the remnants of any hope workers had to recover their dues as businesses face huge losses.

Fait partie des chronologies suivantes

Bahrain: 5 years after first reports of late payments, workers sent home amid COVID-19 & promised dues remain unpaid while one has died waiting for compensation

Bahrain: Migrant workers at M&I Construction Co. face seven months of delayed wages; incl. co. response