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7 Mar 2023

Alanna Madden, Courthouse News Service (USA)

Human rights activist alleges “hackings are inextricably linked” to USA in lawsuit against DarkMatter over alleged surveillance of her iPhone leading to her imprisonment & torture in Saudi Arabia

"Federal judge to consider phone hacking case of Saudi human rights activist", 7 Mar 2023

Attorneys for Saudi human rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul met before a federal judge Tuesday on a motion to dismiss against an Emirati cyber-surveillance company and three former U.S. intelligence operatives, asserting they aided Saudi Arabia in hacking al-Hathloul’s iPhone before her arrest in 2018, leading to her imprisonment and torture for her activism...

Right off the cusp, Judge Karin J. Immergut addressed Tuesday's video hearing stating that she was inclined to dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction, but noted that she had concerns about the issue brought forth and interested to learn what tortious conduct specifically occurred in Oregon.

Al-Hathloul argues the hackings are inextricably linked to the U.S., as they were carried out with cyber-technology developed in the country by domestic companies, and the technology specifically targeted Apple’s U.S. servers to infect al-Hathloul’s phone with malware ...

DarkMatter attorney James Tysse dismissed these claims in the complaint immediately, arguing al-Hathloul failed to pass the purposeful direction test to show personal jurisdiction, particularly as she didn’t allege any personal harm and only alleged harm to Apple...