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Attaque contre un défenseur des droits de l'homme

14 Mai 2019

Juan Carlos Rojas Coal Trade Union - Sintracarbon

Date de l'incident
14 Mai 2019
Exactitude de la date
Tout est correct
Menaces de mort
Cible: Individuel
Lieu de l'incident: Colombie
Drummond États-Unis d'Amérique Exploitation minière
Anglo American Royaume-Uni Exploitation minière
BHP Australie Exploitation minière, Pétrole, gaz et charbon
Glencore Suisse Métaux et acier, Exploitation minière, Pétrole, gaz et charbon
Autres acteurs


Juan Carlos Rojas is a member of the Coal Trade Union Sintracarbon. The trade union fights for the rights of workers of Cerrejón and the protection of the freedom of association. Following a meeting in Bogotá with members of Dutch trade union, CNV, the Dutch Embassy and executives from Cerrejón, Drummond and Grupo Prodeco-Glencore where they discussed the future of coal mining in the country, Igor Díaz received a pamphlet signed by paramilitary group "Aguilas Negras" threatening him and other colleagues and accusing them of being guerrilla group members.