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21 Jui 2022

Mathrubhumi (India)

Kuwait: Recruitment agency reportedly complicit in "trafficking" woman whose passport was confiscated & was abused by employer

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Kuwait City

"Mystery deepens into Kochi woman's complaint over human trafficking to Kuwait", 20 Jun 2022

...a young lady was scammed promising a caretaker's job in Kuwait...The complainant alleged that she was forced to do hard labour and tortured by a Kuwaiti lady.

Based on a complaint lodged by the Kochi native, the police registered a case under various charges, including...human trafficking...She also mentioned the name of two other women from Kerala, alleged to have been scammed by the same agency...

Meanwhile, police nabbed Ajumon, a Ernakulam native and one of the two accused in the case. Majeed, a Kannur native and one of the prime accused, is still absconding.

She was forced to hand over her passport to a stranger after arriving at Dubai airport. She added that he threatened her by telling that serious repercussions would follow if she refused.

"I only received water and two kuboos as food at her house. I was initially told to look after the children but was made to do daily chores. The work starts in the morning and lasts till midnight"

There are complaints that she was tortured when she refused to do the hard labour.