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Attaque contre un défenseur des droits de l'homme

7 Oct 2020

Maâti Monjib - Moroccan Association for Investigative Journalism (MAIJ)

Date de l'incident
7 Oct 2020
Exactitude de la date
Tout est correct
Maâti Monjib
Moroccan Association for Investigative Journalism (MAIJ)
Presse ; médias
Procès et actions réglementaires
Cible: Individuel
Lieu de l'incident: Maroc
NSO Group Israël Logiciels et services, Équipement militaire/armes/sécurité : Général
Autres acteurs


Maâti Monjib is is the President of Freedom Now, an association that works to defend freedom of expression and journalism in Morocco. He is also a co-founder and a member of the Moroccan Association for Investigative Journalism (MAIJ), an association that works on exposing corruption issues in the country. On 7 October 2020, he was summoned for an investigation in which he is suspected of carrying out money laundering. The defender argues that the trial, as well as attacks on him and his family by intelligence-linked media, is in response to his anti-corruption activities and his criticism of the Moroccan intelligence service. He exposed its role in espionage using Pegasus Spyware (developed by the NSO Group), which was installed on his phone and on the phone of arrested journalist Omar Radi.