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20 Aoû 2018

Pyae Thet Phyo, Myanmar Times

Myanmar: ILO says Myanmar's implementation of labour laws weak; requires Govt. updates on workers' welfare & protection efforts

"Government to update ILO on initiatives to protect workers' welfare", 17 August 2018

The Ministry of Labour and Immigration and Population will update the International Labour Organisation about the government’s efforts to improve the welfare of the workers, including the protection of their rights.

The international labour body decided to require Myanmar to submit an update on the implementation of the ILO’s Convention No. 87- Freedom of Association and Protection of Right to Organize Convention 1948.

ILO said Myanmar has been weak in implementing the Labour Organization Law, the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Law and the Special Economic Zone Law.

Labour Minister U Thein Swe said the government will comply with the order of the ILO.

...He said the ministry will make sure that the report will provide full information about the implementation....