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14 Mar 2022

Mackenzie Smith, ABC

Pacific: Nauru accused of rushing test for controversial seabed mining

14 March 2022

A seabed minerals company has been accused of rushing a landmark mining test in the Pacific.

It comes as the company Nauru Ocean Resources prepares to conduct deep-sea mining ahead of the first international guidelines for the practice.

Nauru is sponsoring Nauru Ocean Resources, a subsidiary of Canada-based The Metals Company, to run a two-month mining test in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and Mexico.

Corey McLachlan from the Metals Company said although they are yet to start the test, results were expected by the end of the year.

“It’s a critical milestone in being able to help collect the information that’s required, and for the International Seabed Authority to make a future decision on whether or not a project should advance,” he said.


But the test has sparked alarm for three environmental groups, including the Pacific Blue Line based in Fiji, who say it shouldn’t go ahead until more is known about seabed mining.

