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Réponse de l'entreprise

5 Fév 2021

Pan American Silver response on attack against Julio David González Arango

Pan American condemns any violence, harm or threats perpetrated on any individuals. Our Human Rights Policy specifically commits to respect and not interfere with anyone who acts to promote or protect human rights through peaceful and lawful means.

In our conversations with the Guatemalan government, we have expressed our view that the government should investigate the attack on Mr. González and all acts of violence against human rights defenders. We will continue to advocate our position on this.

We believe the peaceful path to resolving conflict regarding the Escobal mine is to respect the Xinka People’sright to consultation. The ILO 169 consultation process is intended to facilitate dialogue in a structured manner that has been extensively developed to resolve conflicts and reconcile diverse interests
worldwide. We are encouraged that the ILO 169 consultation process is now moving forward under the leadership of the Ministry of Energy and Mines in Guatemala (MEM) and the Xinka People have confirmed their agreement to begin the pre-consultation stage in April 2021. We look forward to an inclusiveconsultation process, with broad participation, respecting the Xinka People’s right to consultation under theprinciples of good faith, mutual respect, transparency, without pressure or conditioning from the parties. We will participate as requested and our expectation is that the consultation will advance in accordance with the Constitutional Court Resolution.
