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26 Oct 2020

Amish Karki, Justice for Wage Theft

Policy brief: Business' responsibility in the implementation of a transitional justice mechanism for justice for wage theft

"Transitional Justice for Migrant workers: Responsibilities of Business," Oct 2020

In this crisis businesses should foster a race to the top on questions of corporate responsibility. It should consider the impact of their decisions and actions on workers and have meaningful consultation with their representatives and other relevant stakeholders to address and resolve grievances.

Business should consider the following recommendations -

  • Establish operational-level grievance mechanism
  • Provide remedies
  • Support workers in supply chain
  • Compensate furloughed workers in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and contract
  • Adopt anti-retaliation and human rights policies
  • Ensure freedom of association for all workers including migrant workers
  • Promote cooperation and collaboration
