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29 Aoû 2008

Masslive.com [USA]

Presstek agrees to payment and environmental project in compensation for 2006 chemical spill in South Hadley [USA]

Presstek has agreed to pay $31,975 and perform a supplemental environmental project to resolve violations related to a chemical spill…On Oct. 30, 2006, 751 pounds of hydrofluoric acid, a hazardous chemical, were released to the environment through a ventilation fan in…[one of the company's South Hadley facilities], according to a statement from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency…The release caused the evacuation of approximately 90 residents living within a one-mile radius of the facility and required that South Hadley public schools be closed as a precautionary measure the following day…EPA alleged that insufficient safety controls and operator error were the likely causes of the chemical release.