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20 Avr 2020

The Arab Weekly

Qatar: Workers "increasingly vocal" as Govt. Covid-19 response criticised by NGOs

"Qatari authorities accused of endangering foreign workers amid pandemic," 19 Apr 2020

The Qatari government insists it is making every effort to protect the health of foreign workers who are exempted from COVID-19-related safety and confinement measures.

But international human rights reports, workers’ testimonies and tweets by angry Qataris show a different picture, explaining why Doha has the highest rate of COVID-19 infections among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries...

Observers say the actual number of infections may be much higher than the one disclosed by Qatari authorities, given that many workers are wary of reporting their infections out of fear they will be unable to work or deported, potentially without receiving their full wages and benefits.
