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25 Oct 2021

UK Export Finance agency

Statement from UK Export Finance agency re protests of worker abuse among Bapco workers

“We are aware of the issues recently highlighted to us regarding workers’ rights at the Bapco Oil Refinery and the lending group are taking them extremely seriously. Where standards of welfare management do not meet good international industry practice we and the other lenders have the right to access the site, where safe to do so, to conduct independent monitoring of the situation.

“Prior to supporting the project, UKEF undertook an environmental, social and human rights review in partnership with other Export Credit Agencies and commercial lenders to ensure worker welfare and the project’s environmental and social management plans and practices aligned with those of the World Bank Group IFC Performance Standards. We are monitoring the situation closely, in frequent communication with the project sponsors, our co-lenders, and the independent environmental and social consultants acting on our behalf.”
