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27 Jul 2022

Independent (Uganda)

Uganda: Workers headed to the Gulf allegedly forced to pay recruitment agents for mandated Covid vaccination certificates

"Migrant workers pay for Covid-19 certificates", 25 Jul 2022

Migrant workers are paying more than 100,000 Shillings to acquire COVID-19 vaccination certificates through agents at labour export companies...

Some of the migrant workers told our reporter that they paid to get vaccination certificates to travel to mainly the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. The three countries require incoming passengers to present either negative PCR COVID-19 test certificates or vaccination certificates for those who are fully vaccinated.

Some migrant workers who have failed to generate the vaccination certificates online say they had to pay money.

Emmanuel Ainebyoona, the spokesperson at the Ministry of Health condemns the act of extorting money from travelers.

“If it is being done, it’s obviously illegal considering that COVID-19 certificates, first of all, are not for sale…we always advise the public that they must always get a receipt for any payment they make at any recruitment company. Without a receipt to confirm payment the claim is taken just as an allegation.”