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13 Oct 2021

Joanna Partridge, The Guardian

UK: Drivers launch group claim against Amazon over self-employed status with compensation totalling £140 million

"Amazon could owe drivers £140m in rights claim, says UK law firm", 13 October 2021

Amazon could owe compensation totalling £140m to thousands of drivers delivering its parcels, according to a law firm that is launching a group claim on their behalf.

Drivers who deliver for Amazon through its “delivery service partners” are classed as self-employed, meaning they are not entitled to employee rights such as holiday pay and the minimum wage, while they also do not have an employment contract.

The law firm Leigh Day believes at least 3,000 drivers are affected, and could be entitled to an average of £10,500 in compensation for each year they have delivered for the online retail giant. It believes Amazon could owe drivers a total of £140m in compensation.

Leigh Day argues that the drivers’ work and how they fit into the business is dictated by Amazon, and as a result believes that they should have more rights...

After paying vehicle rental and insurance, drivers say they are often left with meagre earnings.

Leigh Day said it had launched a group claim on behalf of two delivery drivers and was looking for more to join the legal action....

Amazon said it was committed to ensuring drivers were fairly compensated by the delivery companies they worked with.

It added: “We’re hugely proud of the drivers who work with our partners across the country, getting our customers what they want, when they want, wherever they are.”...