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6 Mai 2022

Katia Dmitrieva & Olivia Rockeman, Bloomberg

USA: Ending the right to abortion could have serious negative economic impacts for women disproportionately impacting women of colour

"Abortion Rollback Risks Erasing Decades of Economic Gains for U.S. Women," 3 May 2022

Overturning Roe v. Wade risks widening economic inequality in the U.S., threatening decades of gains for women in places where abortion could be all but banned.

... [T]he Supreme Court confirmed that an initial draft overturning the 1973 Roe ruling, leaked to Politico, was authentic although not the final ruling. The draft would strike down the half-century federal precedent that had given women the right to seek an abortion and would allow states to make their own laws and restrictions. 

... Access to abortion is credited with expanding womens’ roles in economies and labor markets around the world. The ability to access safe abortions is what keeps many American women from falling into poverty, according to decades of research. Lower-income Black and Hispanic women are disproportionately affected by restrictions, as they’re more likely to lack the funds and ability to get time off work to travel out-of-state for care. 

... Jason Lindo, professor of economics at Texas A&M University in College Station. “The evidence is very clear that this is going to lead to negative outcomes on things like women’s educational attainment, women’s labor force participation and measures of economic success.”
