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2 Déc 2020

Worker-led ‘Make Amazon Pay’ campaign calls on company to protect workers, pay taxes and improve sustainability

A worker-led movement is calling on the online retail giant Amazon to protect its workers, pay taxes, and improve environmental sustainability. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Amazon became a trillion dollar company with Jeff Bezos, its CEO, becoming the first person in history to amass $200 billion in personal wealth. Meanwhile, Amazon was accused of union-busting and exposing its warehouse workers to health risks at the frontline of the pandemic.

On 27 November 2020, Black Friday, workers, unionists and activists participated in strikes and protests around the world. ‘Make Amazon Pay’ accuses the company of placing profits ahead of workers, society and the planet. The campaign is calling on Amazon to improve conditions for workers, including ensuring health and safety in its warehouses, providing job security, and upholding workers’ right to freedom of association. Its other demands include paying taxes to fund the public institutions from which it has benefited and operating sustainably.

A spokesperson for Amazon said "Amazon has a strong track record of supporting our employees, our customers, and our communities, including providing safe working conditions, competitive wages and great benefits, leading on climate change with the Climate Pledge commitment to be net zero carbon by 2040, and paying billions pounds in taxes globally."
