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23 Nov 2021

In Conversation With: Nazhat Shameem Khan, UN HRC President

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Bar Human Rights Committee of England & Wales

Bar Human Rights Committee of England & Wales: In Conversation With

The Bar Human Rights Committee of England & Wales invites you to register for a very special ‘In Conversation With’ virtual event welcoming HE Ambassador Nazhat Shameem Khan, President of the UN Human Rights Council, on Tuesday 30 November 2021, at 13:00 UK / 14:00 CET. During this virtual conversation with Schona Jolly QC, Ambassador Khan will elaborate on the mission of the United Nations Human Rights Council to promote and protect human rights around the world. BHRC hopes that this special event will energise engagement between international and domestic practitioners, and promote and ensure strong engagement and continued relationships between the UN Human Rights Council, domestic Bar organisations and the international human rights system. Registration is now open here.

Informations sur l'événement

Date de début
30 Nov 2021
Date de début
1 après-midi
Type d'événement
Séminaire en ligne
Bar Human Rights Committee of England & Wales

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