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Government of Canada

Canadian govt. commits to initiate consultations on possible supply chain legislation in response to Parliamentary report on child & forced labour

The Government of Canada has carefully reviewed the Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development... Canada is already taking action to end child labour in supply chains by working across a number of federal government departments and agencies on initiatives that address the practice and its root causes in developing countries and by engaging with other governments, the private sector, civil society and other stakeholders to implement domestic and international initiatives and explore options to enhance measures to end child labour in supply chains... The Government of Canada broadly agrees with the recommendations of the committee’s report. It proposes to consider them within the wider policy, advocacy and programming actions that the Government of Canada is undertaking across a number of departments... The government recognizes the work being done in other jurisdictions through legislative reforms and is actively studying their effectiveness and feasibility for Canadian contexts... Within Canada we will begin consultations in 2019 on possible supply chain legislation and continue to work across the federal government to enhance policies and practices to eliminate child labour in supply chains and support Canadian businesses to employ responsible business practices and respect for human rights.
