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Chiquita lawsuits (re Colombia, filed in USA by US nationals)


申诉地点: 美国
事发地点: 哥伦比亚
诉讼类型: 跨国


Chiquita 美国 农业和畜牧


Snapshot: Several lawsuits have been filed as a result of a 2007 admission by Chiquita that it made payments from 1997 to 2004 to a paramilitary organization that the US government had designated as a terrorist group. Chiquita paid a $25 million fine to the US government and many lawsuits by Colombian nationals are still ongoing in the US and Colombia. This case profile looks at proceedings by US nationals in the USA.

Para la versión en español, haga clic acá.

In March 2007, Chiquita admitted that it made payments from 1997 to 2004 to the United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia (known by its acronym in Spanish, AUC), a paramilitary organization that the US Government had designated a terrorist group.  Chiquita settled a criminal complaint by the US Government at that time and agreed to pay a $25 million fine.

Lawsuits by U.S. nationals

On 11 March 2008, a federal lawsuit was filed in the Southern District Court of Florida against Chiquita by the families of five American missionaries allegedly slain by fighters from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (known by its acronym in Spanish, FARC).  After Chiquita entered the plea agreement with the US government regarding payments to the AUC, it later admitted that it had also made payments to FARC.  The US Government has designated FARC as a terrorist group. The plaintiffs in this lawsuit allege that the payments Chiquita made to FARC (as well as material support provided by the company) supported acts of terrorism which subsequently contributed to the deaths of the five missionaries.  The company filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit.  In January 2018, the Court allowed the case to proceed, denying company's motion for summary judgement.  The hearing was scheduled for 5 February 2018, but Chiquita reached an out-of-court settlement with the families of victims before the trial.  Details of the settlement were not disclosed.


- Chiquita settles suits with families of slain missionaries, geologist, Palm Beach Post, 5 Feb 2018

- Families Sue Chiquita in Deaths of 5 Men, Carmen Gentile, New York Times, 17 Mar 2008
