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Amazon Watch

Response from Amazon Watch to Chevron's response to its rejoinder


Chevron’s claim that decisions by courts around the world “confirm that the fraudulent Ecuadorian judgment against Chevron should be unenforceable” is an outright falsehood - ... no court has made such a determination. The ONLY court to rule about the Ecuadorian verdict was judge Kaplan’s ruling which specifically notes that the plaintiffs are free to seek enforcement of the Ecuadorian judgment outside of the U.S. and it also indicated that it makes NO determination as to the actions of Texaco (Chevron) in Ecuador nor the contamination. 

... In response to Chevron’s claim that it was “released from all the environmental claims on which the fraudulent Ecuadorian judgment is based” through by international tribunal in The Hague... international arbitration is not a court system but a mechanism to allow corporations to sue and put pressure on governments... [T]the central claim of Chevron’s RICO SLAPP suit was bribery... [T]he only actual evidence... was the testimony of Alberta Guerra, who has since admitted to having lied for Chevron to receive more money... 

... The recent NY Bar referee recommendation that Steven Donziger have his law license immediately reinstated is a resounding rejection of Chevron’s claims that Donziger should be “repudiated by anyone concerned with the rule of law” unless of course Chevron believes that the NY State Bar is not concerned with the rule of law”... Donziger is being held in contempt for refusing to turn over his computer, phone, and online passwords to Chevron... 
