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Protect the Protest

SLAPPies: Second annual SLAPP awards

It was another busy year of legal intimidation, aggressive lawsuits, and bully tactics!... A SLAPP suit is a lawsuit aimed at silencing critics. Corporations and powerful people use this abusive tactic to intimidate activists and journalists with expensive, lengthy, and stressful litigation...

  • Chevron, The Corporate Bully of the Year Award... In 2019 Chevron elevated its efforts to escape responsibility for dumping billions of gallons of toxic oil waste in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The company used a SLAPP win to rewrite history denying ANY evidence of contamination and their continued efforts to silence the opposing lawyer, Steven Donziger included requesting the court force him to turn over his email password, computer and phone. Donziger refused, and despite lawfully appealing the order he has been held in pre-trial criminal contempt for over nine months.
  • Lawfare Project, Most Outreageous SLAPP Award... The Lawfare Project uses the court system to stifle constitutionally protected free speech related to Israel and Palestine worldwide...
  • Devin Nunes, Belly Flop Award: Awarded to the most ridiculous SLAPP lawsuit of the year... Rep. Nunes was so angered by a story in his hometown newspaper, the Fresno Bee, claiming that investors in a winery he partly owns partied with cocaine and prostitutes that he decided to sue them... [f]or $150 million... [H]e filed a defamation lawsuit against Twitter, Liz Mair, Mair Strategies LLC, and the Twitter accounts, “Devin Nunes’s Mom”... and “Devin Nunes’s Cow”..., seeking $250 million in damages (this case was just dismissed)... 
