847 results
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Series Friends of the Chair: New Impetus for the UN Business & Human Treaty Process?
Doug Cassel of Notre Dame University outlines the balance of influence held by the Friends of the Chair - and what needs to happen to ensure progress.
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Series A Draft Adrift: What next for the UN treaty?
Jeffrey Vogt, Director, Rule of Law Department, Solidarity Center, outlines the hurdles facing the latest round of Binding Treaty discussions.
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Series Before the flood? The looming risk of corporations suing states for Covid-related measures
Bettina Mueller from the Transnational Institute looks into the risk of corporations using investment agreements to sue states for measures taken to protect human rights and the public interest during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Series Conflict and modern slavery: The investment perspective
Modern slavery and human trafficking have been a consequence of 90% of modern wars. Stephanie Williams and Katie Frame from Schroders offer practical steps for investors to engage companies on conflict and modern slavery.
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Post Corporate remedy and accountability a decade after the Marikana Massacre
Ten years after 44 striking workers were killed and 78 were injured by police at Lonmin's Marikana mine, victims and their families continue their call for justice. Jordi Vives-Gabriel, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Business Ethics, University of St Gallen, and Hugo van der Merwe, Senior Research Specialist at the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, lay out recommendations for Lonmin successor Sibanye-Stillwater to ensure reparations for victims.
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Post Strengthening Australia’s Modern Slavery Act: Step one in revitalising Australia’s approach to corporate respect for human rights
The recent change of government in Australia represents a much-needed opportunity to revitalise Australia’s approach to corporate respect for human rights, including to reorientate the Modern Slavery Act by requiring companies to undertake effective human rights due diligence aimed at preventing harm.
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