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22 Sep 2021

Tiffanie Turnbull, 7NEWS

Australia: 2000 StarTrack workers strike over pay & working conditions

"Australia Post expecting delays after 2000 StarTrack employees walk off the job", 22 September 2021

...Up to 2000 StarTrack employees walked off the job at midnight, after crisis talks and a bid to have the strike action blocked both failed...

The Transport Workers Union says this makes up 70 per cent of the total workforce, but StarTrack says barely a third of the total workforce voted to strike.

The company petitioned the Fair Work Commission on Wednesday to block or delay the strike, claiming it would jeopardise lives and health by impacting vaccine supply.

But the TWU said they had promised to support any medical deliveries, and the FWC on Wednesday night ruled the strike could proceed.

...The workers want the company to guarantee labour hire workers will receive the same pay and conditions as regular employees and caps on the use of lower-paid external workers.

They also want to be offered work before the company contracts it out.

...a spokesperson for StarTrack said its final offer to the TWU - a nine per cent pay rise over three years - was the best among its competitors, and rejected union fears of job insecurity.

“We are disappointed that the TWU is doing this at a time when the delivery of essential items has never been more important, particularly those in vulnerable regional communities requiring essential supplies,” Michelle Skehan said.

“We have prepared and have contingencies in place including the reallocation of resources to ensure that any delivery impact is minimised.”...