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27 Sep 2021

Australia: FedEx & StarTrack parcel workers strike over job security & pay; incl. company comments

In September 2021, parcel workers employed by StarTrack and FedEx voted on strike action over pay and working conditions. In particular, workers called for a guarantee that labour hire workers would receive the same pay and conditions as regular employees, and for a cap on the use of lower-paid external workers. They also called for work to be offered to regular employees before it is contracted out.

Up to 2000 workers from StarTrack, reportedly 70% of the workforce according to the Transport Workers Union, went on strike after talks between the union and company failed. StarTrack had also attempted to block strike action by petitioning the Fair Work Commission, but failed.

According to Transport Workers Union, 97% of workers at FedEx voted to take industrial action. After crisis talks between the union and FedEx failed, during which FedEx reportedly refused the workers' demands and rejected a request for another bargaining meeting, up to 3000 FedEx workers went on strike.

Company comments can be found below.