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10 Jun 2021

Luis Scungio, SOMO (Netherlands)

China’s global mineral rush: Learning from experiences around controversial Chinese mining investments

"China’s global mineral rush: Learning from experiences around controversial Chinese mining investments", 10 June 2021

China imports a large share of the mineral ores extracted around the world as the country’s own mineral reserves are insufficient to meet the demand for industrial metal by key sectors of its booming economy, including the development of renewable energy technologies in which China is a dominant player. [...]

With Chinese overseas operations under increasing scrutiny, this report reviews over 20 controversial Chinese projects abroad – most of which involve mineral products used in low-carbon technologies – and examines the nature of these mineral investments as well as highlighting the actions taken by communities protesting at the negative impacts of the projects. This report also uses the knowledge learnt from past experiences, to reflect on how best to support community defenders develop influencing strategies which might improve the development outcomes of Chinese high-risk projects overseas.