France: Consumer Defence Organisation files complaint against Samsung, alleging deceptive marketing practices

"UFC-Que Chooser files a complaint against Samsung for "deceptive marketing practices," 11 Sep 2020
The UFC-Que Choisir filed a complaint Thursday against Samsung for "deceptive marketing practices". The consumer defense association believes that the group has not kept its commitments, especially on working conditions in the factories of some of its suppliers...
The UFC denounces in particular the gap between the speeches of Samsung and the reality of its production chain...
Indeed, NGOs and journalists have noted serious shortcomings in several factories of certain suppliers, in particular in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in China...
On its site, Samsung claims to respect international standards in terms of human rights, working conditions and minerals extracted in countries at war.
A display contradicted by "overwhelming findings" from NGOs and journalists who reported shortcomings with Samsung suppliers, making their workforce work in "inhuman" conditions.