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17 Sep 2021

Ashok Ghimire, Nepal 24 Hours

Nepal: Study finds majority of migrant workers pay illegal recruitment fees & would not re-use agencies, expected work & salary does not match expectations

Kathmandu Airport

"70 percent Nepalese migrant workers say they will not choose same recruiting agency again," 15Sep 2021

The preliminary analysis report [from Migrant Recruitment Advisor] is based on the responses of 1,539 migrant workers and returnee migrant workers... 70 per cent have said they will not take the service of the same recruiting agency which they chose first time if they have to go on foreign employment again.

... 98 per cent of the respondents have said they have paid service charge more than that fixed by the government while going on foreign employment. They have said they paid more than Rs 100 thousand as service charge...

Nearly one third of the respondents have said they were not given the work in the destination countries which they were promised at the time of recruitment while 53 per cent of them stated that they were not getting the salary as mentioned in the contract...

96 per cent of the respondents said their employers have not returned their passport and other documents to them in course of the employment. Only 26.4 per cent of them have said they would return to their previous employer.