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23 Dec 2021

Matthew Calderbank, The Gazette

UK: Blackpool Just Eat delivery drivers join strike over pay cuts

"Blackpool's Just Eat delivery drivers go on strike for 5 days with pickets at McDonald's", 23 December 2021

Just Eat drivers have launched a 5-day strike in Blackpool - which started last night (Saturday, December 18)...

The delivery drivers work for Stuart Delivery, a sub contractor of Just Eat, and are in dispute with bosses after their pay was allegedly cut by around 25%.

The five nights of strike action has been organised by the Independent Workers' Union of Great Britain (IWGB)...

Union president Alex Marshall said:...

"Our couriers branch is involved in a dispute with Stuart Delivery (a sub contractor of Just Eat) after their pay was recently cut by around 25%.

"Stuart’s profits surged 30% in 2020 off the back of their hard work but instead of being rewarded, these majority-BAME couriers are faced with pay cuts that will push many further into poverty."...

A spokesman for Stuart Delivery said: "The change to our pay model was made to ensure couriers on the Stuart platform will be paid more fairly based on the distance they travel per delivery...

"The new model has been developed so that it works for all couriers, whether they do shorter deliveries more frequently or fewer, longer trips, and will continue to guarantee pay per hour that is among the highest in the sector."

Stuart Delivery added that the figures used by the union in regards to the 25% pay reduction is "incorrect".

A spokesman explained: "The approximately 25% reduction only applied to the base rate of pay, which covers deliveries 0.5 mile and under.

"In Blackpool, only 10% of the deliveries are in the range of 0-0.5 miles which has the base rate Linear Pay. 10% is obviously not most deliveries."...

A spokesman for Just Eat told the Gazette: "We are keen to maintain an open dialogue on issues that are important to couriers.

"We are working with our third party delivery partner (Stuart Delivery) and are having ongoing discussions with them and couriers on this matter."
