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24 Oct 2016

Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development

Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development Oral Statement

TNCs activities exclude women from negotiations and decisions that affect them.  These activities that take place with the collusion of the state make it harder for women, indigenous peoples and minorities to struggle for equality and justice.  Our recommendations in this context are threefold: 1. The IGWG 3rd session should include a high-level panel with women, women’s movements and women human rights defenders from affected communities.  2. Ensure the Treaty process has an ongoing strong and meaningful consultation with communities, women, human rights defenders and affected groups.  3. Ensure that the treaty body is in coherence with other human rights bodies, taking into cognizance the core conventions on human rights, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and core ILO conventions.