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22 Jan 2019

The Canadian Press

Resolute Forest Products loses most of lawsuit against enviro groups in U.S.

A Montreal-based forestry company has had most of its lawsuit against a group of environmental organizations dismissed by a California judge.

The suit was brought by Resolute Forest Products against Greenpeace, Stand.Earth and several individuals.

The company says the environmentalists defamed it by saying, among other things, that it was harvesting in an area of Quebec it wasn’t.

Resolute also brought racketeering charges against the groups.

But the judge dismissed most of those claims, including the racketeering charges.

Fait partie des chronologies suivantes

Resolute Forest Products lawsuits (re alleged racketeering & defamation by environmental organizations, USA)

USA: Court dismisses lawsuit by Resolute Forest Products to silence NGOs criticising its environmental impact