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2021년 9월 14일

Professional Union of Belarusians in Britain (PUBB)

Letter: Jacobs Douwe Egberts social responsibility - placement of advertisements on Belarusian State Television

We, the Professional Union of Belarusians in Britain (PUBB), the People’s Embassy of Belarus in the UK and the Belarusian Community Group "Nadzeya" are reaching out to you regarding the placing of a television advertisement for Jackobs Douwe Egberts on Belarusian State Television.

We urge you to abstain from placing further advertisements on Belarusian TV channels. Indeed, Belarusian state television is a propaganda tool used to distort the truth, intimidate the population and support the illegitimate regime and state terrorism...

Well, is continuing cooperation with a propaganda tool of "illegitimate, illegal and criminal" (these are the actual terms from the EU Parliament Resolution) regime compatible with Jackobs Douwe Egberts ethical standards ?

We are confident that Jackobs Douwe Egberts highly values ​​its reputation and the risks that it incurs from prolonging cooperation with Belarusian broadcaster are incommensurate with the reputational and eventual financial damage...
