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2021년 6월 24일

Consuelo Marquez, GMA News (Philippines)

UAE & Oman: Stranded Filipino workers call on their govt. to lift travel ban and allow them to return home

"Stranded OFWs in Oman, UAE ask gov't to allow them to go home," 22 June 2021

Stranded overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in the Middle East - the visas of some of whom have already expired - are appealing to the government to lift a seven-country travel ban and allow them to go back home.

JP Soriano's "24 Oras" report said repatriation requests by some Filipinos staying in Oman and the United Arab Emirates have been ignored.

The Philippines banned entry from incoming travelers of Oman, United Arab Emirates, and five other nations as a precautionary measure against the Delta variant, the more contagious variant of COVID-19 that was first reported in India. This travel ban was extended until the end of June.