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Justin Lim & Kamarul Azhar, theedgemarkets.com

ATA IMS denies allegation of forced labour as share price tumbles

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21 May 2021


ATA IMS' executive chairman Datuk Seri James Foo told The Edge that the company has not received any communication from CBP regarding the issue.

He also refuted claims that the company is using forced labour in its manufacturing process.

"None of our employees are subject to forced labour. As a contract manufacturer, we are bound to apply the international labour standards adopted by our main customer. We are audited by our main customer and the global retailers of our main customers' products regularly to ensure strict compliance," said ATA IMS when contacted by The Edge.

"Our recruitment practice is fully compliant with international best practices. In particular, we pay for all recruitment costs so that our workers do not pay any recruitment fees on their part. Also, our workers keep their own passports," it added.

The company believes that it provides good living conditions for its workers. "We believe our dormitories are the best in class with a gym, safe deposit boxes, Wi-Fi, cafeteria and other amenities within our compound," it said.

