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5 Aug 2020

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    Weekly Update 31 January: Myanmar: Fashion brands complicit in abuse 3yrs after military coup

    31 Jan 2024

    Egypt: brokers & tourism companies reportedly extorting Palestinians trying to flee Gaza through Rafah border | UN Secretary General warns Big Tech companies are recklessly pursuing AI profits without effective risk strategy | Congo: Wildlife charity African Parks investigating allegations regarding rape & torture of Indigenous people by National Park guards | Brazil: Adidas footwear allegedly linked to deforestation & modern slavery | Thailand: Myanmar workers exploited at VK Garments allegedly yet to receive adequate compensation | Netherlands: CSO to initiate legal proceedings against ING Bank over breach of 'duty of care' in climate policy

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    Weekly Update 24 January: USA: Supermarkets linked to child labour following audit failures

    24 Jan 2024

    Gaza faces its tenth internet blackout since October | Oil giant ExxonMobil sues climate activist investors in effort to block vote on climate petition at annual investor meeting | 30 people who protested the extension to First Quantum Minerals' concession in Panama face terrorism charges | Former executives of South Korean firms that produced fatal humidifier disinfectant sentenced to prison | UK Housing minister says Irish insulation firm Kingspan has evaded responsibilities over Grenfell tragedy | Norwegian FA head criticises over FIFA failure to publish human rights & remedy report following migrant rights abuses at 2022 World Cup

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    Weekly Update 17 January: USA: Starbucks sued for alleged links to human rights violations

    17 Jan 2024

    Online neobanks Wise and Payoneer allegedly freezing Palestinian accounts without explanation | Shareholder coalition to challenge Shell over climate resolution | Report finds major human rights violations at Del Monte pineapple farm in Kenya | Report calls for charges against ‘Santa Marta 5’ to be dropped | Workers in China face sudden layoffs, closures & salary cuts ahead of Lunar New Year | Fujitsu admits it has has 'moral obligation' to compensate victims of the UK Post Office scandal | Norway passes controversial bill to back deep-sea mining following efforts of pro-mining lobby

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    Weekly Update: 10 January: Indonesia: HRDs acquitted of defamation re: mining and gov't minister

    10 Jan 2024

    Substack faces pushback from users after saying it will not remove or demonetise Nazi content | European development banks reportedly facilitated illegal oil palm plantation expansion and land grabbing in DRC | Food processor The Exclusive Poultry employed children to operate dangerous machinery and withheld wages, says US Labor agency | Report reveals use of NSO Group's Pegasus spyware to target journalists in India | CSOs urge ArcelorMittal to provide full compensations to victims of accidents before terminating activities in Kazakhstan | Report finds rights of garment workers impacted by earthquake in Turkey were 'disregarded' by brands & factories

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    Weekly Update 3 January: Germany: 1 year of Supply Chain Act brings positive impacts

    3 Jan 2024

    Meta accused of censoring Palestinian content | Del Monte sued for alleged human rights abuses including killings, beatings & water pollution | Videogame maker pays $50 mil to settle gender-based discrimination lawsuit | Migrant workers in Qatar face ‘regular’ abuse | Pharma Firm Servier fined $470 million for concealing health risks of weight loss pill | Norway’s KLP fund divests from 11 companies in the Gulf over human rights and climate concerns

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    Weekly Update 20 December: EU policymakers reach landmark CSDDD deal

    20 Dec 2023

    Trade unions take action for migrant workers’ rights | Barrick Gold accused of forced evictions & human rights abuses at Tanzania gold mine | Inter-American Court of Human Rights has rules against the Guatemalan gov’t | Human rights defenders attacked & arrested after protesting corporate mining in Maharashtra, India | Tesla under pressure as unions strike to demand collective bargaining rights | 470 textile workers strike outside Turkish factory demanding right to form own union

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    Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Update – Issue 47, December 2023: Corporate legal obligations, human rights, and conflict: Increased risk and responsibility

    14 Dec 2023

    Two months after the horrific killings and hostage-taking by Hamas in Israel on 7 October, the appalling killing of civilians, siege and humanitarian crisis in Gaza “worsens by the hour” - tens of thousands of civilian Palestinians are attempting to flee Israel’s bombardment. As pressure on the international community to help end the human suffering intensifies, so too does the spotlight on the responsibilities of businesses – and particularly tech companies – operating in that region, as well as other places similarly engulfed in conflict.

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    Weekly Update 13 December | EU: Policymakers agree landmark AI rules

    13 Dec 2023

    EU agrees landmark AI rules | COP28 climate deal criticised as ‘grossly insufficient’ | Online activists condemn vape industry supply chains | World Bank subsidiary settles case alleging it financed land-grabbing & abetted murder | Brazilian senate passes ‘poison package’ pesticide bill | Supply chains of major EU brands possibly linked to Uyghur forced labour | Saudi Arabian construction company leaves Indian workers without wages, visas & food

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    Weekly Update 6 December | Africa: Colossal carbon credit trades compromise communities' livelihoods

    6 Dec 2023

    Huge carbon credit deals in Africa risk compromising community livelihoods | Google accused of excluding Palestinians from online economy | EU firms exporting materials to Russia despite sanctions | US investment firm accused of water grabbing in senegal | IGH & Marriott hotels use underpaid migrant workers as ‘strike breakers’ | Study finds a quarter of vessels suspected of abusing workers are flagged to China | X says Minister for Justice's comments on Dublin riot response 'inaccurate' | Climate-induced migration to UAE leaves workers 'doubly impacted' in hot & dangerous conditions

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