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5 Aug 2020

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    Weekly Update 07 June | Brazil: Alleged link between farms deforesting Amazon & multinationals

    7 Jun 2023

    Chemical firm Syngenta sought to influence research on links between top-selling weedkiller & Parkinson's, says media investigation; Kwazulu Natal residents win court decision ordering Tendele Coal to cease bulldozing community land immediately; Unions accuse Sri Lankan Government of attacking right to association ahead of labour reforms; EU Parliament’s adopted position on due diligence law includes major improvements, but loopholes remain; and much more...

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    Weekly Update 31 May | Russia: 25 European firms allegedly still supplying military

    31 May 2023

    Defence firm Palantir allegedly applying AI to weapons systems without clear explanation of how human rights risks will be mitigated; Indigenous El Molo community claims KenGen has failed to provide sufficient information regarding proposed renewables project; Amazon driver in Colorado sue firm over 'inhumane' working conditions; Spanish football league sponsors face protests on social media after racist attacks on Real Madrid player Vinícius Júnior; and much more...

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    Weekly Update 24 May | Twitter: Changes to platforms allegedly enable rights abuses

    24 May 2023

    CSO report alleges violation of workers' rights in DRC cobalt mines; Son of environmental activist in El Salvador ‘arbitrarily detained’ after she expressed concern for anti-mining activists arrested in January; Khammouane community in Laos raise land rights & livelihood concerns over Sino Agri International Potash Co. plans to build industrial city; Investigation reveals supply chains which allegedly connect Wintershall’s Siberian gas fields to Russian military; and much more...

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    Weekly Update 17 May | Indonesia: ExxonMobil settles case over alleged torture

    17 May 2023

    PwC leaks confidential Australian government information to help clients in Australia & the US avoid tax; 27 workers die in fire at gold mine in Peru which is part of a Metalor initiative to ensure responsible sourcing from informal miners; Ukrainian refugees reportedly subject to labour rights abuse amid high levels of informal employment across Europe; UK government reportedly encouraging investment in Saudi mega-project Neom despite allegations of rights abuses; and much more

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    Weekly Update 10 May | Brazil: Google, Spotify, Meta ordered to testify on ‘Fake News Law’

    10 May 2023

    Colombian coal victims file OECD complaint against European energy companies with Dutch National Contact Point; Rising demand for bauxite taking a toll on mineral-rich communities in Guinea; Cargill faces US legal challenge over deforestation & rights abuses from its soya supply chain in Brazil; Cambodian factory supplying bags to US brand defies govt. order to reinstate dismissed union leaders; Iraqi environmental & human rights activist whose cancer was attributed to pollution from oil production & gas flaring dies ahead of BP meeting; and much more...

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    Weekly Update 03 May | International Labour Day: Workers protest government dismantling of labour rights

    3 May 2023

    Surge in Russian state media posts on Twitter after change in policy; Facebook, YouTube & TikTok content moderators form labour union to push for better working conditions; Nestlé supplier farms in Brazil spraying pesticides banned in EU for suspected links to cancer, alleges investigation; ENEOS has failed to exit Yetagun gas project in Myanmar responsibly, allege CSOs; 131 investors call on ICT sector to ensure respect for fundamental freedoms in Iran; and much more...

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    Weekly Update 26 April | Rana Plaza 10th anniversary: Harmful brand purchasing practices persist

    26 Apr 2023

    Online abuse of climate scientists slowing action on climate emergency, reports CSO; CAD100mil lawsuit against Greenpeace brought by Resolute Forest Products dismissed; Microsoft should suspend investment in cloud data centre in Saudi Arabia over human rights risks, says CSO; 1 worker killed & 36 hospitalised allegedly due to methanol poisoning at Samsung supplier factory in Vietnam; and much more...

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    Weekly Update 19 April | Netherlands: Supreme Court reclassifies Deliveroo riders as employees

    19 Apr 2023

    Kenyan digital loan firm Whitepath fined for breaking data protection laws; Serabi Gold allegedly mining in Amazon without approval from land agency or consent of Indigenous communities; Uncontacted tribe in Indonesia might not survive destruction from nickel mining project for electric car batteries, alleges CSO; Civil society urges EU MEPs to include downstream & climate in due diligence law ahead of key vote; negotiators reach political agreement; and much more...

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    Weekly Update 12 April | Kenya: 'Landmark' decision to review tea multinationals' plantations

    12 Apr 2023

    Sri Lanka medicine decision exposes lack of transparency in Facebook content moderation exceptions; Chocolate companies allegedly fail to pay agreed living wage premium for cocoa from Ivory Coast; Quilombola community of Baião alleges it was not consulted by Aura Minerals on mining project to extract gold from their territories; Pakistani security guards engaged during Qatar World Cup allegedly detained & deported following wage complaint; and much more

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